"We are all fools in love."

Ooooh förlåt, men jag bara måste langa ett tråkigt inlägg med citat från Stolthet och Fördom. Såg den i helgen igen och fyfan vad jag tycker om den. Sättet de pratar engelska på, sådär gammaldags insnirklat svårt, är så jäkla coolt.

Elizabeth Bennet: If he cannot percieve her regard, he is a fool.
Charlotte Lucas: We are all fools in love.

Mr. Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you... I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance. All these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony.
Elizabeth Bennet: I don't understand.
Mr. Darcy: I love you.

Mary Bennet: The glories of nature. What are men compared to rocks and mountains?
Elizabeth Bennet: Believe me. Men are either eaten up with arrogance or stupidity. If they are amiable, they are so easily led they have no minds of their own whatsoever.

Mr. Bennet: Poor Jane. Still, a girl likes to be crossed in love now and then. It gives her something to think of... and a sort of distinction amongst het companions.

Netherfield Butler: A Mrs. Bennet, a Miss Bennet, a Miss Bennet and a Miss Bennet, sir.
Caroline Bingley: Oh for heaven's sake, are we to receive every Bennet in the country?

Elizabeth Bennet: And that put paid to it. I wonder who first discovered the power of poetry in driving away love?
Mr. Darcy: I thought that poetry was the food of love.
Elizabeth Bennet: Of a fine stout love, it may. But if it is only a vague inclination I'm convinced one poor sonnet will kill it stone dead.
Mr. Darcy: So what do you recommend to encourage affection?
Elizabeth Bennet: Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable.

Mrs. Bennet: But she doesn't like him. I thought she didn't like him.
Jane Bennet: So did I, so did we all. We must have been wrong.
Mrs. Bennet: Wouldn't be the first time, will it?
Jane Bennet: No, nor the last I dare say.

Charlotte Lucas: What have you done to poor Mr.Darcy?
Elizabeth Bennet: ...I have no idea.

Mr. Darcy: You must know... surely, you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I'd scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love.. I love... I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.

Mr. Bennet: If any young men come for Mary or Kitty, for heaven's sake, send them in. I'm quite at my leisure.

Caroline Bingley: Miss Elizabeth, let us take a turn about the room.
[Caroline takes Lizzy's arm in hers, and they walk gracefully in a circle around the room]
Caroline Bingley: It's refreshing, is it not after sitting so long in one attitude?
Elizabeth Bennet: And it is a small kind of accomplishment, I suppose.
Caroline Bingley: Will you not join us, Mr. Darcy?
Mr. Darcy: You can only have two motives, Caroline, and I would interfere with either.
Caroline Bingley: What can he mean?
Elizabeth Bennet: Our surest way of disappointing him will be to ask him nothing about it.
Caroline Bingley: But Do tell us, Mr. Darcy.
Mr. Darcy: Either you are in each other's confidence and have secret affairs to discuss, or you are conscious that your figures appear to the greatest advantage by walking. If the first, I should get in your way. If the second, I can admire you much better from here.

Mr. Bennet: Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins... And I will never see you again if you do.

(Den som orkade läsa allt är jag skyldig en kram. Den som dessutom ser filmen tänker jag fanimej pussa xD Hrm, i pannan iaf.)

Postat av: Tuss

Har redan sett filmen och yes, jag mläste allt ;) bara för att jag ska gifta mig med Mr. Darcy (A)

2008-12-31 @ 20:46:14
URL: http://sorgligtlycklig.blogg.se/
Postat av: Warmsnow

Har tänkt läsa detta då jag haft tid vilket jag haft nu, så läste de... Jag är nu skylldig dig 11 kramar istället för 12... :P

2009-01-15 @ 23:32:01
Postat av: Josefin

hm, jag blir galen på att jag inte vet hur man svarar på kommentarer xD

Stenis: Wihoooo, duktig! Jag vet att du ska gifta dig med honom, jag kan vara brudtärna åt er (:

Max: Ååååh, det hade jag glömt! :D längtar som fan att kunna ta ut dem bara.

2009-01-17 @ 17:27:53

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